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Podcasting: The What, Why and How (2/3)

Kerr Mathieson

Podcasting: The Why

So what’s the purpose of podcasting? Why would you do it? 

Maybe you just like the sound of your own voice! Nothing wrong with that.

Have you had ideas about why you would podcast?

    Is it for:

        Entertainment, Education, Exposure, Evangelising

These are all valid reasons for doing a podcast, but why you’re really doing it might rely on the answer to:

    What do you want to gain from it?

Now, this is where we might split into 2 factions:

        Business Podcasts

        Leisure Podcasts

Yes, they have their different approaches and different goals, but (spoiler alert) they have one big thing in common.

Business Podcasts tend to be done to drive interest and footfall to a business.  It’s a way of demonstrating that ‘We are an authority on this subject, this is how we do business, and when you need it, this is why you should come to us.’


Don’t turn it into one big advert or sales pitch,

it’s more about getting the personality of your business across.


It’s your chance to let your potential customers know who you are and how you do business, as opposed to them only knowing what your services/products might do.

It can also be a very powerful tool to maintain interest in the development of your business.  That could be new products or services, plans for growth, challenges you’ve faced (and of course, your solutions). 

Let your potential customers have a peek behind the curtain, and start building that rapport with them before they set foot through your door.

What businesses want, and should expect, from a podcast is industry recognition, better customer relationships and a building of trust and rapport.  Hopefully of course, all leading to even more potential customers.

Leisure podcasts however, don’t need to have the same agenda or goals.

You may well want to be seen as an authority on your subject, but not necessarily for business gains.  It could be more for social exposure, ‘kudos’, or just to take people with you on your journey.

Heck, you might just think that other people will find entertainment in hearing you and your guests talking about whatever ‘your thing’ is. 

You don't have to be looking to build up a customer base who will buy from you, but you are looking to build a listener base who will hang on your every word!

If it’s not for you, then don’t get hung up on having a ‘message’ or ‘delivering value’, etc.  Enjoy providing some entertainment instead!

So, that one big thing I said they have in common?


You need to give people a reason to listen to you episode after episode.


When I produce podcasts for companies, we spend more time than you’d think planning and finding the answers to a few key questions before recording.  It all helps with the strategy of using podcasts as a powerful marketing tool.  Even if you’re not a company, you might find this guide/questionnaire I produced well worth taking yourself through if you want to go on this journey. 

You’ll need to enter an email address to download it, but hey, I don’t enjoy having to delete all the spam I receive daily, so you definitely won’t be getting any from me!

The guide takes you through some really important questions to help you uncover your ‘why’ and also set you up for the best chance of success.

Alongside some of the things I’ve mentioned already, it should prompt you to think about things like:

Who’s my target audience?

    How do I make sure it appeals to them?

How often will you publish? 

    Remember, commitment and consistency is key to building a listener base.

What do I like about my favourite podcasts?

    Are there things you can learn from them?

There we have it, the answers to all these questions (and more on the download) will help you cement your idea of why you’re doing a podcast.  And hopefully I’ve given some ideas as you’ve read through too!

Next, it’s time to find out How……….

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